
          Prof.Dr. Bruno DOUINE
Applications of superconductors for electrical engineering             
Université de Lorraine, Groupe de Recherche en Energie Electrique de Nancy

2001 PhD thesis on AC losses in superconducting material

2003 Assistant Professor at Université Henri Poincaré Nancy I

Since 2014      Professor of Université de Lorraine

Topics: characterization of superconducting material, AC losses in superconducting material. Applications of superconductors for electrical engineering (motors, cables …)

ICOME 2024

Applications of superconductors for electrical engineering

Superconducting materials will first be presented, particularly High critical Temperature Superconductors (HTS), from a microscopic physical point of view, followed by tapes and wires used in applications. The electrical and magnetic characterization of these HTS will then be developed. The applications of these HTS in electrical engineering will finally be presented: motors, cables, current limiters, etc.